
Meet Anne

When Anne was a little girl she didn’t want to be doctor or an astronaut, and she definitely didn’t want to be a writer. She was going to be an Egyptologist, and that was that.

These days Anne works in the unsexy world of HR and at night she writes love stories. A far cry from being an Egyptologist, but a better life she couldn’t imagine.

Get to know me

Some fun facts about me

  • The first book I ever wrote was in 2nd grade in a creative writing class. I was about a lion and an otter becoming best friends.
  • When I was 12 my home was destroyed by a tornado. We took cover in our underground cellar at the time. It was terrifying!
  • I stay up way to late playing video games. 300+ hours in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Baulder’s Gate 3 this year alone. Each.